I Guess I’m a Blogger Now

I’ve had some friends who were kind of in to this whole “Blog” thing.  I never really saw the need for me to jump on board, but I’ve found myself doing a lot of writing lately.  Not just any kind of writing, but mostly taking to various social media outlets to share my thoughts and opinions on various things. So what kinds of things? Pretty much everything. From music to movies, to my opinions on various theme park attractions to even political events.  Anything that excites me at that moment and gets me thinking usually turns into some kind of writing somewhere on the net. 

I also find myself having quite a bit of down time at work while I’m waiting for my next task to be assigned to me.  So I figured that I’d give this blog thing a try.  It would be nice to have a new arena to share my thoughts and if anyone wants to read them, then that’s even better! 

I can guarantee one thing….my posts will be random.  I’m not sticking to any particular theme or topic, but will pretty much cover anything that I’m into at the moment.  My one hope is that my blog posts will be interesting, entertaining and maybe even informative.  So welcome to my blog and I hope you all have as much fun reading my blogs as I’ll have writing them!